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Hands-on Learning at SLU

SLU makes hands-on learning a priority for its students no matter their course of study. Whether you're a civil engineering student bending steel beams in the lab or a law student practicing litigation in SLU's full-size courtroom, students have access to a variety of spaces and instruction that help prepare them for real-world scenarios in their field. "Students want to know and have some tangible feeling that what they're doing in the classroom really is going to prepare them when they are on the job," says Associate Professor of finance Thomas Doellman, Ph. D., whose students manage real money and make stock recommendations in his applied portfolio management course. To learn more about these opportunities, visit Doellman, Ph. D. | Associate Professor of Finance 00;00;00;26 - 00;00;18;21 Students want to know and have some tangible feeling that what they're doing in the classroom really is going to prepare them when they are on the job. Experiential learning is the big buzz word now. Students expect it and we want to provide it.Rashae Williams | SLU Law '24 00;00;20;01 - 00;00;36;06 SLU Law has a full-sized court downtown. It's beautiful, has lots of windows, but more importantly, it's laid out like an actual courtroom. And so it gives us the opportunity to learn all the etiquette before we ever enter an actual courtroom.Quentin Chung | Aeronautics '26 00;00;37;14 - 00;00;56;21 So the flight simulators allow us to do pretty much anything that we could do in a regular airplane, just kind of in a controlled area. They introduce a lot of different situations, maybe like an engine failure or engine fire, an area to where we can kind of fully simulate it when we can't really simulate in a real airplane.Karly Wilson | Chef | Fresh Gatherings Café + Farm 00;00;59;03 - 00;01;28;27 One of the really special things about the Nutrition and Dietetics department is we do have a culinary emphasis, and as a senior, you get to put on the senior project, which is an event to display your culinary philosophy that you've developed over the past four years. And then we also have Fresh Gatherings Cafe and Farm, where students can gain food service experience working in a real-life kitchen. We also have an urban farm right down the street where students can learn about gardening and farming and I think that those experiences are things that you simply can't get looking at a screen or reading a textbook.John Wheaton | Nursing '23 00;01;29;26 - 00;01;49;21 The SIM lab here at SLU, gives, like, the students an opportunity to practice their nursing skills on manikins who can simulate, real life physiology of, a human. So the manikins can have real human heartbeat. And then you can take their blood pressure, you can feel pulses. And it's very realistic. It allows you to be engaging, but also be able to make mistakes.Brooke Kenworthy | Civil Engineering '24 00;01;50;17 - 00;01;53;13 Our civil engineering program is very hands on. I would argue that it's probably one of the most hands on programs in the country. We do in-class activities probably once a week in some capacity. It's pretty amazing what goes on in there and I feel very blessed to be in an institution where that is prioritized

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