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Getting involved at SLU

From social groups to academic groups, Greek life to faith life, athletics to service, SLU has a group for you! See some of the many way you can get involved on campus. --- Transcript: Yennhi Phan 00;00;02;18 - 00;00;11;28 One of the things that SLU is just so good at is having a club for every aspect of everyone's personalities because as humans, we have so many interests. We're all multifaceted.Mohammed Ashkar 00;00;11;28 - 00;00;17;24 Being a part of any community is at the center of what it means to be a SLU student.Brooke Kenworthy 00;00;17;25 - 00;00;31;24 You know, we say it everywhere, but we are kind of a care of the whole person university. And that means you are developing more than just your education or more than just, you know, your fraternity sorority life connections, more than just your spiritual life. You're able to do all of those thingsMichael Orosz-Fagen 00;00;31;24 - 00;00;36;20 You get to know different people, different cultures, and you really get to know your university better.Kaia Prichett 00;00;37;08 - 00;00;45;27 You are able to grow more as a person, grow more into like who you are, kind of understand what it is that you want and you believe.Mohammed Ashkar 00;00;46;07 - 00;01;06;19 There are so many opportunities present on campus from social organizations to academic organizations. Sports, sororities, fraternities. And I think this variety really lends itself to community and those communities lend themselves to inclusivity. You can definitely find your niche on campus.

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