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SLU Students Compete in a Battle of the Bridges

SLU Science and Engineering students tested their engineering skills in a timed innovation challenge building bridges out of cardboard tubes and duct tape.


School of Science and Engineering Innovation Challenge Featured 15 Teams of Students 

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on November 13, 2024.

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov.13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy. 

Saint Louis University students in the School of Science and Engineering tested their engineering skills in a timed innovation challenge building bridges out of cardboard tubes and duct tape. 

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on November 13, 2024.

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy. 

Fifteen teams of students competed in the event on Wednesday, Nov. 13. The challenge was won by a team comprised of Jaisri Akaram, Bharath Bandlamudi, Jahnavi Uppugandla and Abhilash Kurapati. 

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on November 13, 2024.

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy. 

Each team of three or more students was given eight cardboard tubes, a roll of duct tape and one hour to complete their bridge. The completed structures were judged on design, use of tape and the ability to bear weight. Each bridge was lifted onto Lego stands, taped down to keep it in place and loaded down with 203 pounds of sand.

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy. 

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy

SLU’s School for Science and Engineering holds a monthly innovation challenge for students. November’s challenge was sponsored by TWM Inc., an engineering firm providing civil and structural engineering and geospatial services to both public and private sector clients in the Midwest and Southeast. TWM provided the challenge materials and led the judging.

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy. 

School of Science and Engineering students construct a bridge out of cardboard and duct tape during the SSE Innovation Challenge with industry partner TWM on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024. Photo by Sarah Conroy.

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