- Adorjan Hall
- Anderson Hall Village A
- Aquinas School of Theology
- Bannister House
- Beracha Hall
- Biomedical Engineering
- Boileau Hall
- Brouster Hall
- Brown Hall Village B
- Busch Student Center
- Carriage House
- Cartier Hall
- Center for Global Citizenship
- Chaifetz Arena
- Chan Hall Village C
- Clemens Hall
- Cook Hall
- Cupples House
- Davis-Shaughnessy Hall
- De Mattias Hall
- Des Peres Hall
- Donnelly Hall Village D
- DuBourg Hall
- Eagleton Hall Village E
- Earhart Hall
- Event Services Building
- Field House Pub and Grill
- Fitzgerald Hall
- Fox-Clark Hall Village F
- Fusz Hall/MOCRA
- Grand Forest 3411
- Grand Forest 3413
- Grand Forest 3414
- Grand Forest 3415
- Grand Forest 3416
- Grand Forest 3417
- Grand Forest 3418
- Grand Forest 3419
- Grand Forest 3420
- Grand Forest 3421
- Grand Forest 3422
- Grand Forest 3423
- Grand Forest 3424
- Grand Forest 3426
- Grand Forest 3428
- Grand Forest 3430
- Grand Forest 3432
- Grand Forest 3434
- Grand Forest 3436
- Grand Forest 3438
- Grand Forest 3440
- Grand Forest Pool House
- Grand Hall
- Greenhouse
- Griesedieck Hall
- Gunn Hall (Village G),
- Hermann Stadium
- Hotel Ignacio
- Huh Hall (Village H),
- Il Monastero Banquet Center
- Interdisciplinary Sci and Eng
- Jesuit Hall
- Laclede Garage
- Laclede House A
- Laclede House B
- Laclede House C
- Laclede Restaurant Leased- Diablitos
- Lecture Halls
- Lewis Annex
- Lipic Clock Tower Plaza
- Litteken Hall
- Macelwane Hall
- Manresa Center
- Manresa Center Caretaker House
- Manresa Center Chapel
- Manresa Center Convent
- Marchetti Towers East
- Marchetti Towers West
- Marguerite Hall
- McDonnell Douglas Hall
- McGannon Hall
- Monsanto Hall
- Morrissey Hall
- O'Brien Hall
- O'Neil Hall
- Olive Compton Garage
- Oliver Hall
- Parish
- Pius Library
- Practice Pavilion
- Pruellage Hall
- The Quad
- Queen's Daughters Hall
- ROTC Building
- Reinert Hall
- Reinert Pool House
- Ritter Hall
- Robert May Hall 3327
- Robert May Hall 3331
- Saint Francis Xavier College Church
- Scott Hall
- Searls Hall
- Shannon Hall
- Simon Recreation Center
- Sinquefield Science and Engineering Center
- Sports Center Restrooms
- Spring Hall
- Tegeler Hall
- The Flats
- Ticket Booth - Hermann Stadium
- University Quad
- Verhaegen Hall
- Vito's Restaurant
- Walsh Hall
- Wool Center
- Wuller Hall
- Xavier Hall
- Xavier Hall Annex
- Young Hall