Move In Process

This page contains full move-in information for Saint Louis University students for fall 2024. You will find assigned time blocks and parking information for each residence hall.
First-year SLU students and transfers will move in on Aug. 16, 2024. Returning SLU students will move back to campus on Aug. 17 and 18, 2024.
New Student Move In
- Schedule: You will be assigned a specific time block to make the move-in process as seamless as possible.
- Timing: Your residence hall and floor will determine your assigned move-in time.
- Parking: Parking passes for move-in are available in the table on the left (or at the bottom of the page on mobile). Please print your parking pass and place it on your dashboard during move-in.
Note for transfer students: For most transfer students, the move-in date is also Aug. 16. If you do not see your building or floor on the list below, please arrive at campus on Aug. 16 between 10 a.m. and noon at your designated check-in location based on your parking pass.